Thursday, May 24, 2012

Bankruptcy Lawyer Mobile AL | (251)694-0600 ... - Faith and Finance

Bankruptcy Lawyer Mobile AL | (251)694-0600 | Mobile Alabama Bankruptcy Attorney You?re buried under a pile of debt and you don?t know what to do. With one call you can? ? Stop a foreclosure ? Stop a repossession ? Stop a garnishment ? Stop the harassing phone calls One call does it all. Call Bankruptcy Attorney Stephen L. Klimjack right now. (251) 694-0600. Stop the madness and get back your financial freedom! I?m Mobile Alabama Bankruptcy attorney Stephen L. Klimjack. If you?re sinking deeper and debt and don?t know what to do? call me right now and get a fresh start. Call 694-0600. I also have a Law office in Montgomery, Alabama that can help you with your Bankruptcy. Bankruptcy Lawyer Mobile AL | (251)694-0600 | Bankruptcy Attorney Mobile AL

Question by what is your best idea to get rich and financial freedom?

Best answer:

Answer by cowgirl
You must not spend any more than you earn. Credit cards may get you into trouble, as you can amass lots of debt.
When I was young my parents had us save our money. When I got my first big job, I saved half my check, Yep, half.
Save, Save, Save. Don?t buy everything you think you need.
I?m not rich (money), but I don?t owe either, ANYONE.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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