Wednesday, October 24, 2012

S.Africa's Pick 'n Pay posts sharp drop in H1 profit


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A CULTURE ADDICTED TO ?SELF? ? Comments? - Revival School

by ?Pastor Dave?

Yesterday, I read a report about an Ohio State University study involving 900 adults ranging in age from 18 to 90 which claimed that young Americans place such a high value on their sense of self-worth that they crave praise and compliments more than food, friendship, and sex! The study also observed that this craving is akin to an addiction. It is insatiable?

The participants in the study are not all narcissists, of course,
but they?re kissin? cousins.

The professor who conducted the study identified the 1969 book
The Psychology of Self-Esteem as the launching point for a
generation of Americans obsessed with self-esteem. He concluded
that the obsession is only going to get worse ? ?as each new
generation enters a culture that puts a premium on self-worth,
younger Americans spend more time craving and searching for
self-esteem boosts?and less time thinking about others. All that
time spent thinking about yourself not only contributes to
depression, but it makes society a less kind and gentle place.?

The seismic shift that began in 1969 has resulted in the tsunamis
of Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, reality TV shows and life-
enhancement church services. Americans just can?t seem to get
enough of being true to self, expressing self, fulfilling self, improving
self and advancing self. This addiction has had an enormous impact
on the Christian community. Choosing a church to attend is no
longer a matter of finding where the Word of God is taught and
where people are striving to live in a manner that pleases God. It
is now a matter of finding a church that has the best programs,
preferred music, and activities.

American Christians have become consumers rather than
practitioners. We look for the most enjoyable services, the most
convenient schedules, the most engaging presentations, and the
programs that fulfill our desires to the greatest degree. We seem
drawn to the churches that are most like the world. Our primary
concern about church is not how we can serve the church body,
but how the church body can serve us.

Churches that are preaching that Christians are deserving of and
entitled to good things, happiness, blessings, and personal fulfill-
ment are bursting at the seams. Churches that preach poorness
in spirit, mournfulness for sin, meekness, purity in heart, and a
hunger for righteousness, are struggling to find people willing to
listen. Are we witnessing the fulfillment of Paul?s warning to Timothy,
?For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine,
but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears,
they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their
ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.?

We can?t be hungry for righteousness and addicted to self at the
same time.

-PLEASE COMMENT on this topic below-

Posted in Uncategorized by Andrew on October 23rd, 2012 at 10:55 am.



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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

World sea piracy falls to lowest level since '08

Sea piracy worldwide fell to its lowest level since 2008 over the first nine months of this year as navies and shipping companies cracked down on attacks off the coast of Somalia, an international maritime watchdog said Monday.

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The International Maritime Bureau said 233 attacks were recorded worldwide in the first nine months of this year, down from 352 in the same period last year. The bureau's piracy reporting arm, which is based in Kuala Lumpur, said 24 vessels were hijacked worldwide between January and September 2012, with 458 crew members taken hostage and six killed.

The numbers fell because attacks off Somalia's coast plummeted during that same period, from 199 last year to 70 this year. The bureau said only one Somali attack was reported in the entire third quarter of 2012.

Piracy soared in 2009 because of attacks off largely lawless Somalia, where pirates became more daring and desperate. Since then, pirates have been deterred by international navies, and by ships taking their own security measures, such as hiring armed guards.

Somali pirates go high tech

Hiding from creditors
A recent trip by Associated Press reporters to areas of the Somali coast once controlled by pirates found many of them hiding from creditors in unfurnished rooms. Rather than attacking cargo ships, they were playing cards, or catching lobsters.

Video: Couple held by Somali pirates to set sail again (on this page)

"We welcome the successful robust targeting of pirate action groups by international navies in the high-risk waters off Somalia, ensuring these criminals are removed before they can threaten ships," said IMB director Pottengal Mukundan. But he added that the waters "are still extremely high-risk and the naval presence must be maintained."

Somalia pirate dens see decline as international efforts to stop seizures succeed

The bureau said piracy in Africa's Gulf of Guinea, ranging from Benin to Togo, was becoming increasingly dangerous, with 34 cases in the first nine months. It said the attacks were often violent, planned and aimed at stealing refined oil products.

Mukundan said 21 attacks were recorded in Nigeria alone, but he praised the country's navy for helping to rescue vessels. He said many navies in the vast gulf don't have resources to fight piracy far out at sea, allowing gangs to shift their operations to other areas.

Couple held hostage by pirates for 388 days to set sail on new journey

In Asia, the bureau said Indonesia reported 51 attacks in the first nine months this year, up from 46 for the whole of 2011. It also warned ships to be alert in Malacca Straits, South China Sea and around Malaysia; each of those areas has reported a hijacking this year.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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The final presidential debate in 100 seconds

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Troubled teens could benefit from online access to health records ...

OCT. 21, 2012


Arash Anoshiravani

Online health records could be surprisingly useful for at-risk teenagers who cycle through the juvenile justice system. A new study from the Stanford University School of Medicine and the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center found that these young people have high rates of Internet use and an unexpectedly favorable attitude toward accessing their health records online.

Teens who get in trouble with the law could particularly benefit from online health records because they generally have worse health than other adolescents ? and no one keeping track of the health care they do receive. These teens? health problems range from spotty immunization histories to chronic diseases such as asthma, sexually transmitted infections, mental illnesses and substance abuse. And not only do poverty, difficult relationships with their parents and frequent moves make it hard for them to get consistent health care, these problems also increase the chances that doctors who are treating them will not have access to their medical histories.

No one knows if using online health records would be feasible or desirable for this group. The new study, published online Oct. 22 in Pediatrics, shows that such an approach has great promise, despite skepticism among some providers that this population is not inclined to avail itself of online resources.

?These young people are marginalized, considered delinquent,? said the study?s senior author, Arash Anoshiravani, MD. ?They?re often not considered when it comes to new ways of engaging patients.? Anoshiravani is an adolescent medicine specialist at Lucile Packard Children?s Hospital, a clinical assistant professor of adolescent medicine at Stanford and the medical director of the Santa Clara County Juvenile Custody Institutions.

Anoshiravani's team conducted in-person interviews with 79 incarcerated teens who received treatment at the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center. The researchers wanted to know whether these youth had the resources and inclination to use online health records outside of juvenile hall. (They do not have Internet access while detained.)

The teens had similar rates of Internet use to the general adolescent population, with 87 percent saying they used the Internet at least once per week when not detained. Home computers and cell phones were their most common tools for accessing the Internet, the study found. The finding contradicts older research demonstrating a ?digital divide? of low Internet use in poorly educated and impoverished groups.

?Things have shifted; the digital divide still exists between older individuals of different backgrounds, but among adolescents there is a high rate of tech access, even for the most underserved,? said Gregory Gaskin, a Stanford medical student who is the first author of the paper.

The U. S. health-care system is gradually replacing paper charts with computerized electronic medical records, and some providers are beginning to allow patients to access portions of the records online. The researchers wondered whether this target group of teenagers would be interested in seeing their health information on the Web.

The teens were enthusiastic about the option, with 90 percent saying it would be useful to have their health information automatically put online so they could access it later.

?I didn?t expect this level of interest because they don?t typically think of health as something that?s part of their daily lives,? Anoshiravani said, adding that these teens engage in risky behaviors that make them seem cavalier about their health.

These teens? need for reliable and accessible health records is made even more urgent because they often do not have family members overseeing health-related chores, such as tracking immunizations and medications, checking lab results or recording their medical history. The lack of records is a problem not just in the short term but also when these teens reach adulthood, especially for those who survived serious medical events in childhood. ?They may turn 18 and not know they were born with a heart defect that was surgically repaired,? Anoshiravani said.

Contrast that situation to a typical teenager. ?A parent or grandparent is going with them to the doctor and keeping their health records,? Anoshiravani said, noting that troubled teens don?t have that help. And it?s not realistic to expect these teens to keep a hard copy of their medical file. ?Carrying around pieces of paper that they could lose did not make sense to them, but having a place to check this information online did make a lot of sense,? he added.

The researchers were surprised to find that the teenagers would also share online health records: The vast majority of the respondents were willing to share their records with doctors and half said they would want to share the information with their parents.

The next step, Anoshiravani said, is to implement and test online health records for at-risk teens. The biggest challenge will revolve around the issue of information-sharing, since minors? parents are entitled to see some parts of their health records, while other types of records cannot be shared with parents without the patients? consent.

?It?s very difficult right now to meet the spirit and letter of the law around confidential health information in the areas of reproductive and mental health for adolescent patients,? Anoshiravani said. As electronic medical records evolve to include customized privacy settings, it will be easier to meet teens? confidentiality needs, he said.

Anoshiravani and Gaskin collaborated with Christopher Longhurst, MD, who is a clinical associate professor of pediatrics in systems medicine and in general pediatrics at Stanford, and a pediatric hospitalist at Packard Children?s. Information about the Department of Pediatrics, which helped to support the study, is available at


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Monday, October 22, 2012

Oh No They Didn't! - Dish Network Settles Suit With AMC

Dish Network Corp. settled a long-running lawsuit with AMC Networks in a deal that will return AMC's channels to Dish's satellite lineup after nearly four months, the companies said.

As part of the settlement, Dish will pay $700 million in cash to AMC and its sibling company, Cablevision Systems Corp. Included in the total is $80 million for Dish to purchase wireless-spectrum licenses from Cablevision, the companies said.

In the suit, which dates back four years, AMC's Voom unit had sued Echostar Communications Corp., now known as Dish, for breach of contract over Voom's now-defunct suite of high-definition TV channels. Voom claimed damages of $2.5 billion.

That legal dispute was complicated when Dish dropped AMC's channels from its satellite TV lineup at the end of June, citing the high programming cost of the channels relative to their low viewership. AMC said at the time that the blackout was related to the Voom lawsuit.

Dish will resume carrying AMC channel, which airs such popular shows as "The Walking Dead," effective Sunday. The satellite operator will resume carriage of AMC's other channels, Sundance Channel, IFC and WE tv, on Nov. 1. Dish is also adding back the Fuse music channel, owned by another AMC sibling company, Madison Square Garden Co. which has been off Dish's service since 2010. The companies said Dish had entered into a long-term distribution agreement for the channels.

The deal "delivers a fair value for both parties," said Dave Shull, Dish senior vice president of programming, in a statement. AMC Chief Executive Josh Sapan said in a statement, "We are glad to partner again with Dish."

Speculation that settlement talks were under way emerged late last week after the judge hearing the case adjourned trial proceedings shortly before Dish Chairman Charlie Ergen was due to testify. Proceedings in New York State Supreme Court were set to resume Monday.

Both companies had reason to resolve the programming dispute. Dish has 14 million subscribers, about 13% of AMC's potential audience, so the blackout was depriving AMC of a sizeable chunk of its possible audience at a time when "The Walking Dead" was drawing big audiences. The second episode of the latest season of that drama was due to air Sunday night.

Dish, meanwhile, was under pressure from subscribers to restore the AMC channel. Its Facebook page was flooded with complaints from customers unhappy that AMC wasn't available.

Dish had also been on the defensive in the trial, coming under criticism from the judge, Richard B. Lowe III, who said at one point that the company had "no credibility when it comes to document exchange and turning everything over." Ten days ago the judge granted AMC the right to hire a forensic team to examine Dish's computer hard drives for any deleted draft copies regarding a 2007 audit Dish undertook of the Voom channels.

In proceedings in November 2010, the judge had ruled that the satellite provider systematically destroyed emails relevant to the case within a reasonable period of expecting that the dispute would go to court.


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Saints LB Vilma active for game vs. Tampa Bay

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) ? New Orleans linebacker Jonathan Vilma is active for Sunday's game against Tampa Bay, meaning he'll make his season debut while appealing a suspension for his role in the Saints bounty program.

Vilma has been rehabbing his surgically repaired left knee and practiced for the first time Wednesday. He was moved from the physically unable to perform list to the 53-man roster Saturday.

The ninth-year pro's return could wind up being relatively brief. His appeal hearing on a season-long suspension has been scheduled for Oct. 30.

Saints tight end Jimmy Graham is inactive with a sprained right ankle. Running back Chris Ivory, cornerback Elbert Mack, linebacker David Hawthorne, tackle Bryce Harris, defensive tackle Bryce Harris and defensive end Turk McBride also are inactive for New Orleans.

Running back Michael Smith, defensive back Keith Tandy, center Cody Wallace, receiver Chris Owusu, tight end Danny Noble and linebackers Jacob Cutrera and Najee Goode are inactive for Tampa Bay.


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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dogtober Fest, Black Cat Ball, Muttmixer and other pet events | Tails ...

Give your brain a workout at Dogtober Fest's trivia contest, flex some leg muscles at Woof Woof Walk and Dawg Dash or get gussied up in a costume for one of the other pet events happening this month.

Planning to add a pet to your home? See the adoption specials.

Got a pet event? Send information to

Dogtober Fest: 2-6 p.m. Oct. 20, Anchor Pub, 1001 Hewitt Ave., Everett. Test your beer and dog trivia knowledge at this event benefiting Scrub-a-Mutt and Everett's Animal Rescue Foundation (ARF). There will be a "whose dog?" photo contest, prizes and food. Must be 21 or over. Dogs welcome outside (weather pemitting). and
Woof Woof Walk: 9 a.m.-noon Oct. 20, Spanaway Park, 14905 Gus G. Bresemann Road S. (Military Road and Pacific Avenue), Spanaway. Walk, other activities and vendors at lakeside park. Registration is $20 for the first dog, $5 for second dog. T-shirts are $10. Food and blanket donations encouraged.

Wildcard Weekend: 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Oct. 20, Central Washington Humane Society, 2405 W. Birchfield Road,Yakima. Microchip ID and vaccination clinic for pets. Adoption fees are reduced to $30 for dogs and $5 for cats all month.

Apple Day and Mutt Strut Dog Parade & Costume Contest: 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Oct. 20, Historic Bayview Corner, Whidbey Island. Event features food, fun and dogs in costume.
Dawg Dash: 7:30 a.m. Oct. 21, University of Washington. Dog-friendly event with a 10K run and 5K run/walk. There also is a Husky Pups run for kids. This year's event is on the UW's upper campus. Check-in starts at 7:30 a.m. The 10K and 5K start at 9 a.m. For a complete schedule and parking details, see the website.
BlackCatBall 2012.jpg

The art work for the 15th annual Black Cat Ball poster and catalog was created by Aki Sogabe. This year's event is Oct. 27. Aki Sogabe / Courtesy of Purrfect Pals???

Black Cat Ball: Oct. 27, Meydenbauer Center, Bellevue. Halloween-themed gala includes a gourmet vegetarian sit-down dinner and auctions. The event benefits Purrfect Pals, a no-kill sanctuary that provides foster and hospice care for homeless cats. Tickets: $100.

Howl-at-the-Moon Muttmixer: 6-8 p.m. Oct. 30, Woodmark Hotel, 1200 Carillon Point, Kirkland. Costume contest, treats for tricks and swag bags. RSVP to with the number of people and dogs planning to attend. and

Fee Free Felines: Through Oct. 31. Regional Animal Services of King County, Pet Adoption Center 21615 64th Ave. S., Kent. The $55 adoption fee for cats six months and older is being waived this month. The cats are spayed/neutered, vaccinated, tested for feline leukemia and have microchip IDs. Adopted cats go home with a starter bag of food and a certificate for a free veterinary wellness exam, courtesy of the Seattle/King County Veterinary Medical Association.

For more events, click here and scroll through the October list.


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Kate Sanner ? Use Audio to Market Your Practice - cudabos posterous

Audio is a valuable marketing tool that should be in your practice?s marketing tool box.? Why?? Because next to hearing you speak in person, there?s nothing more effective than audio.?One of the best ways to get your message out is through creating audio content. When you consistently deliver the message of your practice in your voice, you gain credibility and you give your audience (aka target market) the opportunity to know, like and trust you ? which helps you get more clients.

If you would like to listen to this post instead, here is the audio version:

Now, I have to let you know that I am very biased in favor of audio.? I fell in love with it several years ago- and I fell hard!? So much so that I set up my own in-home recording studio and even ran an internet radio station for several years (I?m a hands-on person and I LOVE tools of all sorts!)? BUT you don?t have to have an in-home studio to create audio.? All you need is great content and a telephone or a microphone that plugs right into your computer.? When I am not using my in-home recording studio, I use Audio Acrobat which is a fantastic service.

7 benefits of using audio to market your practice


  1. positions you as an expert with your target market
  2. positions you as?a leader?in your industry
  3. builds credibility ? as your audience listens to your voice and your words, the trust in you begins to grow
  4. increases exposure and enables you to reach a wider audience - as you post audio in different places (e.g. iTunes, social media more people learn about you)
  5. leverages your time and your efforts ? e.g., you can re-purpose written content into audio
  6. enables you to create a targeted, benefits-driven message to your audience
  7. is completely time-shiftable ? i.e., it can be listened to any time, anywhere

7 ways you can use audio:

  1. Have informational audios on your website in addition to articles.? Choose a topic that matches the needs and wants of your target market and give tips or solutions in your audio
  2. Record your signature talk and offer it as a free taste of your expertise
  3. Use audio for your opt-in offer on your website
  4. Use audio as an ?audition? for speaking engagements
  5. Host teleseminars and teleclasses ? free or paid
  6. Give an expert interview ? Write out some questions you would like to be asked in your area of expertise. Then ask a colleague or friend with a good speaking voice to record the interview with you. Don?t make this recording a hard sell of your business. (Of course, your URL can be announced in your introduction and at the end and it can be printed onto the CD.) Instead, use this interview to really showcase your expertise and establish your credibility.
  7. Interview experts ? Record interviews with experts that can provide great, expert information for your target audience. You can post these on your site as freebies or bundle several together and create a product that is a great opt-in offer.

Note:? Make sure to always include your website URL when you give your contact information in the audio.

Action Step to use audio

If you are just getting started, familiarize yourself with how to record audio on your computer or sign up for a free trial of Audio Acrobat.? Find content that isn?t too long and record your first audio.? Post it on your blog and share it on social media.? Look over your articles, blog posts, etc. and see what is content that would make a good audio.

Once you get more experienced, consider hosting regular teleclasses that provides great content and serve to launch new products and services you create.? A free teleclass is a tried and true way to get prospects into your marketing funnel.

P.S.??I can help you design a marketing plan that is right for your practice ? including the strategy of creating audio. ?Sign up for one of my coaching and consulting packages today!

Here again is the audio version of this post:


Kate Sanner
Creator of & Coach and Consultant at
A Division of Vivacity?

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

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Confused With Drew Brees Jersey Web Marketing? Start Here Using ...

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Setting desired goals and maintaining a process to keep track of your objectives, allows you to plan for success. Understand what the targets for the web site are and how they can fit to your total strategic business plan. Maintain report of methods each strategy takes you even closer your desired goals so you know what is working for you. If whatever you are carrying out has not introduced anyone to your goal, be realistic and check out Drew Brees Jersey another thing.

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Lynyrd Skynyrd plane crash was 35 years ago

By Gael Fashingbauer Cooper, NBC News

It was one of the most devastating days in American music. Thirty-five years ago Saturday, a plane carrying the band Lynyrd Skynyrd ran out of fuel and crashed in Gillsburg, Miss., killing six people, including lead singer Ronnie Van Zant and siblings?guitarist Steve Gaines and vocalist Cassie Gaines. The band's pilot, co-pilot and assistant road manager also died in the crash, and many more were injured.

Getty Images file

Lynyrd Skynyrd performs in 1976, a year before the plane crash.

The site lets interested persons read about the crash as it was covered in real-time by the local paper, the Enterprise-Journal. The newspaper's front page was given over to the disaster, with a horrendous photo of the wreckage showing that the plane pretty much split in two.

Rescuers had to cross a 20-foot-wide, waist-deep creek and dig through a forest so overgrown and untouched that some emergency vehicles got stuck in the mud on their way to the scene, the Enterprise-Journal reported. The paper also quotes a local resident who was approached by bloody survivors, one of whom hugged him around the neck while saying "we got to get them out."

Three days before the crash, the band had released its latest album, "Street Survivors," which originally featured a cover showing the band surrounded by flames (it was quickly changed). The album became a hit, but the decimated band broke up, only to reunite in 1987 and begin touring again.

Their music lives on -- "Sweet Home Alabama"?especially has a permanent place in American rock history.?A whole generation of fans who love the song weren't even around for the crash,?which has passed into shadowy musical legend.

In the 1997 Nicolas Cage movie "Con Air," as "Sweet Home Alabama" plays, Steve Buscemi's character says, "Define irony. Bunch of idiots dancing on a plane to a song made famous by a band that died in a plane crash."

He wasn't quite right. While the?crash would seem to have destroyed the entire band, that isn't quite true. Lynyrd Skynyrd is currently touring Florida and about to move the tour to the United Kingdom. But the echoes of that day 35 years ago still resonate for those with a lengthy musical memory.

Do you remember the Skynyrd crash? Tell us on Facebook.

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Friday, October 19, 2012

Funds For Not Very Right Times |

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Curiosity Rover Finds More Strange, Bright Objects in Martian Soil

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Curiosity Rover Finds More Strange, Bright Objects in Martian Soil
NASA?s Curiosity rover took three scoops from a small Martian sand dune and found several bright particles in the soil. Scientists think these are unrelated to the odd bright object that Curiosity saw last week, which turned out to be plastic that fell from the probe, and are probably indigenous Martian mineral flecks.

Source: Wired
Posted on: Friday, Oct 19, 2012, 8:07am
Views: 13


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Miguel Opens Up About 7-Year On/Off Relationship and Possible ...


Constantly scrutinized for his eccentric style and sexual mannerisms, but his effortless ways of brushing criticism off, Miguel?continues his?Kaleidoscope?Dreams promo run and had a change to catch up with HOT97?s Cipha Sounds and team. Amongst the interesting conversation, Miguel opened up about his 7-year relationship with his girlfriend and if a possible wedding can be expected in the future. Congratulations to the happy couple who celebrated their 7th year relationship yesterday!

Check out the video below of the interview to find out about who his girlfriend is and the year of separation they ?don?t count?.


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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Artistic Office for ALBUS Design Studio in Southern Brazil

We have always wondered what constitutes art as it seems you get a different definition everytime you ask. But what is certain is that most of us are allured by something that is distinctly unusual and projects an image that is out-of-the-box. Such creative ventures might not always yield fabulous results, but the ALBUS Design Studio in Porto Alegre, in southern Brazil, is one of those times when the ingenious innovations seem to have produced astonishing results.

Office studio for ALBUS Design Artistic Office for ALBUS Design Studio in Southern Brazil

Crafted to serve more than just a single purpose, this eccentric studio is the work place of architect and advertiser Henrique Steyer and designer Felipe Rijo.

The ALBUS Design Studio is a place where the duo manages three different facets of their business ? architecture, design and advertising. The studio has been designed to meet all the three activities while reflecting their own unique taste when it comes to merging the classic with the contemporary and the sacred with the bold and what many might even consider profane. The interiors are clad with images, sculptures and art work that merge Brazilian baroque saints with erotic literature and images obtained from an African backdrop. Now, if that is not a brave design move, then we do not know what is!

Studio Office for ALBUS Design 1 Artistic Office for ALBUS Design Studio in Southern Brazil

Looking beyond the rebellious attitude and the brazen flaunting of convention norms, the interiors are beautiful, ergonomic and at times it feels like one is inside a display unit from a local museum. The entire space has been effortlessly and precisely divided into reception area, work station, Steyer?s office and a conference room. The use of alternate materials, the beautiful and contrasting textures inside and inimitable iconography make this a lovely little studio.

If the designers wanted to convey ?attitude with a twist?, they have succeeded emphatically.

Check the pics and let us know what you think, in the comments below!



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CBS Local Presidential Forum: Obama/Romney: Appealing To ...

By Carol Cain CBS 62 Detroit

With this grueling presidential contest heading into the final days, President Barack Obama and former Mass. Gov Mitt Romney are getting in touch with their softer side as polls show women voters could be the ones to determine the outcome.

Following Obama?s performance during the first televised TV debate two weeks ago, Romney began closing the gap and even pulling ahead in some key battleground states with women voters ? a constituency that propelled Obama to the White House in 2008.

That is why both candidates took time to answer a question in the CBS Local Presidential Forum about why women should cast their vote for them. CBS Local is asking 10 questions over 10 days of the two men about vital issues in this exclusive forum to help voters learn more about their policies.

?There is a common misconception that female voters care about different issues, or that they want candidates to treat them as an interest group looking for political favors,? Romney answered. ?In my experience traveling around the country and talking with thousands of voters, I have found that women care about the exact same issues as men: good jobs and a growing economy, getting our debt under control, strengthening our health care and education systems, protecting our interests and standing by our allies around the world.

Romney added that ?while the President seeks to divide Americans, scare them with untrue accusations, and offer special programs to win their votes?America is at its best when we are united and working toward common goals, and that is the approach I will bring to Washington.?

Obama said the first bill he signed into law was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which helps women fight back when they don?t receive equal pay for equal work.

He added the health care reform law, which requires insurance companies to cover recommended preventive care like cancer screenings, flu shots and contraception without out of pocket costs.

And Obama said he supported women?s right to make her own health care decisions.

Today: The Female Vote

A Gallup/USA Today poll of 12 swing states this week showed Romney leading by 12 points among men. But it was his surge among women voters that had given him a four-point overall lead as they headed into to Tuesday night?s second of three televised debates.

Women, especially working moms whose families have been hard-hit by the nation?s economic woes, are the voting block that could determine this race. But what and how to appeal to women voters remains divisive.

?Normally women place more emphasis on job security, health care, education, economic security, fairness toward women and issues about children and families,? said former Michigan Gov . James Blanchard, who is supporting Obama.

?Men usually give more focus to national security ,taxes and business issues. Women do care more about choice and men about guns,? Blanchard added.

Others said the candidate who talks directly to women voters about all the issues will prevail.

?I see a real change with women voters,? said Ronna Romney, a business executive and former U.S. Senate candidate who is former sister in law of Mitt Romney. Ronna Romney has been a GOP fundraiser for years.

Fueling new found enthusiasm for this election: fallout from the economy and Obama?s performance.

?We have raised over $20 million in the ?Women For Mitt? effort,? she said. ?Unlike before when women would ask their husbands for the money or who they should support, they are making their own decisions?

?Women are the first ones impacted hen the economy goes bad and they lose their jobs first,? she added.

?Beware the unleashed tiger,? said Ronna Romney. ?You?ve got a whole lot of ?Tiger Moms? and ?Career Tigers? who say ?we need to get this country working again.??

With the polls showing a shift with women, both candidates talked about issues that might appeal to women voters in Tuesday?s televised debate.

Obama was more aggressive than their first debate when he turned in a performance that helped fuel a rise by Romney in national polls. During Tuesday?s televised contest, the subject of the recent death of the U.S. ambassador to Libya in a terrorist attack at an American post in Benghazi also got some red hot attention.

No doubt that issue of foreign policy and national defense will be front and center during the last televised presidential debate this Monday night moderated by CBS?s ?Face the Nation? host Bob Schieffer.

Foreign policy and national defense matter to many which is why Obama and Romney also answered a question about it in the CBS Local Presidential Forum.

?I believe in a military that is so strong, no one would test it,? said Romney. ?The U.S. Navy has a great slogan, ?a global force for good.? That?s how I see a strong America backed by a strong military. We use our power to stabilize a globalized world, foster freedom and development, and ? most importantly ? keep the peace. ?

When Obama took office, he pointed out the United States was engaged in two wars and faced terrorist threats. Obama said he kept his promise to end the war in Iraq and has a plan to end the war in Afghanistan in 2014.

The U.S. is now building international coalitions, working with allies to to address the shared threats and restoring the country?s international leadership.

Coming up: President Barack Obama and Gov, Mitt Romney answer: What criteria would you use to appoint Supreme Court justices?

(Carol Cain is an Emmy winning journalist who has covered politics and business over 20 years. She is Senior Producer/Host of CBS62?s ?Michigan Matters? and writes a column on politics and business for Detroit Free Press. She can be reached at


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Dissident Writer Calls for the Breakup of the Chinese 'Empire ...

German-language report on Liao Yiwu

BEIJING ? Liao Yiwu, the self-exiled writer, delivered a devastating critique of the Communist Party?s China on Sunday as he accepted the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade, one of the country?s most prestigious awards for writers.

Page Two

Posts written by the IHT?s Page Two columnists.

So profound were the historical crimes of the current Chinese state that there was only one solution, said Mr. Liao: ?This empire must break apart.? He repeated the message six times. (The speech can be viewed here on Youtube, in German.)

He was speaking in Frankfurt?s St. Paul?s Church, the Paulskirche, the site of Germany?s first democratic parliament in 1848. It has seen much, including the flowering and destruction of democracy, war and bombing ? but probably nothing exactly like this.

Mr. Liao, who last year fled China for Germany to escape years of persecution, began his speech by talking about L? Peng, a third-grader shot dead during the army crackdown on democracy demonstrations in Beijing in June, 1989, according to the Tiananmen Mothers, a support group for the bereaved.

?Today I?d like however to announce another death, the death of the Chinese Empire. A country that massacres little children must break up. That corresponds to Chinese tradition,? he said.

That wasn?t all.

In its report about the speech, German state broadcaster Deutsche Welle, said Mr. Liao ?reproached the West for making a common cause with China under the cloak of free trade. In his speech, given in Chinese, he said it would be a mistake to believe that China?s economic upswing would bring reforms.?

?The value system of the Chinese state has long ago collapsed, and is only being held together by the elite?s lust for power,? Deutsche Welle reported.

It was an extraordinary, no-holds-barred performance that ended with a singing recitation of his poem about a mother?s lament for her dead child, with Mr. Liao accompanying himself on two sound bowls, traditional instruments that emitted an eerie ringing tone punctuated by single notes.

In my latest Letter from China, I write about three very different Chinese writers who have received accolades this month.

In China, the reaction to Mr. Liao was sparse but extreme. In a commentary entitled ?Exiled dissidents should leave their hatred behind,? the Global Times, a newspaper under the party?s People?s Daily, called his speech ?hysterical? (the English version of the commentary can be read here.)

?It?s surprising that Germany picks such a bigoted person as the award winner. Shouldn?t those attending the ceremony, including German President Joachim Gauck, blush for Liao?s hysterical speech? Liao?s performance will make the Chinese look down upon Germany?s wisdom and breadth of thought in awarding the prize to Liao,? it read.

?Germans probably think this award could exert some influence on China. But Chinese are used to Westerners using dissidents. Compared with the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo in 2010, the latest book award will barely draw any attention,? it concluded.

Yet the event, which Chinese diplomats in Germany refused to attend, according to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (here in German) was packed with hundreds of Germany?s most prominent politicians and writers including its president, Joachim Gauck, himself a former dissident tin East Germany, and broadcast live on ARD, a state television channel.

In her laudatory speech, Felicitas von Lovenberg, the literary editor at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, described Mr. Liao?s literary talents ? he has been translated widely into German ? as ?the poetry of veracity.?

Mr. Liao, jailed in 1989 for four years for writing a poem, has written about jail and about the underbelly of Chinese society.

To critics who have said Mr. Liao is not so much a writer as a dissident, he had an answer in his speech. He said another writer called Liu Shahe, also declared an enemy of the state and jailed in 1957, told him: ?The wounds inflicted by such a blow of fate never heal. We aren?t poets any more now, we have become witnesses of history.?


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