Tuesday, November 6, 2012

South Florida County Extends Early Voting ? But Only In One GOP Stronghold

Last night, voters in Miami-Dade County were forced to wait in line up to six hours to vote. In some precincts voters who arrived at 7PM were not able to cast their ballots until 1AM.

In response, Republican-affiliated election officials in Miami-Dade have effectively extended early voting from 1PM to 5PM today by allowing ?in-person? absentee voting. But this accommodation will only be available in a single location in the most Republican area of the county.

Nearly every city within 5 to 10 miles of this location ? including Hialeah, Miami Springs, Sweetwater and Miami Lakes ? has a substantial Republican voter registration advantage.

The most populous city among those is Hialeah where Republicans, powered by a large Cuban community, have an overwhelming registration advantage of nearly 20,000 voters. There will not be an opportunity for in-person absentee voting in downtown Miami or South Dade, where there are heavy concentrations of Democratic voters.

The decision to make the accommodation available was presumably made by Miami-Dade Election Supervisor Penelope Townsley. She is registered with no party affiliation but was appointed to her position by Republican Mayor Carlos Gimenez.

Mayor Gimenez did not request Gov. Rick Scott extend early voting throughout Miami-Dade county. Further, according to Jim DeFede, an investigative reporter for CBS News in Miami, the decision to have in-person absentee balloting was made last night but not announced publicly until 9:30AM this morning.

Requests for comment from the Miami-Dade Election Department were not immediately returned.


The Miami Herald reports that Miami-Dade abruptly closed the single voting location after less than 2 hours


At 3PM, election officials announced they?ve changed their mind and will re-open the early voting location.

Source: http://thinkprogress.org.feedsportal.com/c/34726/f/638929/s/2537c296/l/0Lthinkprogress0Borg0Celection0C20A120C110C0A40C11363710Csouth0Eflorida0Ecounty0Eextends0Eearly0Evoting0Ebut0Eonly0Ein0Eone0Egop0Estronghold0C/story01.htm

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