Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Good Nutrition and Paying Attention to Portion Size | Nutrition And ...

Regardless of the healthiness of your eating practices, weight gain is a constant concern for many people. Good nutrition does not mean that you have to eat over-sized portions to reach your daily allowance of nutrients.

You should have a balanced diet. Whether it?s a child learning about the food plate or an adult conscientiously reading through daily requirements of specific nutrients, most people are aware of many of the features of food that qualify as good nutrition. Nutrition is often represented as percentages whether it?s the percentage of a diet that should be fruits or vegetables or a percentage of the recommended daily allowance of a specific nutrient that a food allows. These guidelines are helpful but do not focus enough on total calories that individuals should be consuming. Calories are directly related to portion size which will impact how much of a specific food and its nutrients you should consume.

Avoid nutritional advice that will add a meal to your diet if you are not ready to take out calories from a different meal. If you don?t usually eat breakfast and you add breakfast after reading about how important breakfast is for your health, you will have to adjust your diet to counteract the calories you?re adding to your diet.

When you decide to add beverages to your diet including some that provide nutritional value such as some milk or juice beverages, don?t ignore the calories you are taking in. Similarly, you should never substitute the nutrition beverages for all your beverage requirements.

Spend one week serving recommended portion sizes of all the foods you prepare. Very soon you will realize that your portions are sometimes twice what the recommended serving size. If you are hungry after eating the recommended serving size include foods in your diet that will add few calories but will help fill you up such as beets.

Don?t go chasing one dietary requirement by consuming too much of a specific food. Consider nutritional items that will give you some of your daily requirements of what you?re after without having to consume oversized portions. For instance, a can of black beans can give you about 65 percent of your required fiber but will also provide you with about 330 calories and 24 grams of protein, about half of your protein for the whole day required for an adult. Also, in order to get that fiber by eating a whole can of beans, you?ll have to consume three-and-a-half servings since one 15-ounce can of black beans is about that many servings.

If you are eating out consider sharing a meal or eating only half the meal served. You are usually not eating out to optimize your nutrition which you can better control by preparing your own meals. You are eating out for enjoyment, convenience or to socialize. While you can choose restaurants that serve healthy alternatives, don?t confuse healthy eating with eating out.

Snacking is advised for lots of people without sufficient warnings about reducing your meal size when you have snack. The last thing you want to do is to add on significant weight because you?ve decided to eat healthy. Not every food you eat needs to be nutritionally significant. Before loading up on broccoli which can actually contribute to discomfort for those who eat too much, consider snacking on low-calorie yet nutritionally neutral foods such as a cucumber. Many people who take up snacking forget to reduce their intake of food during meals which can lead to weight gain.

If you tend to eat when you?re bored or upset do not add snacking to your nutrition activities. People eat for many reasons besides nutrition. If you are a person whose emotions contribute to your eating habits your healthy nutrition will include eating less frequently rather than adding snacks even if they are healthy.

Don?t try to incorporate a food habit that you are likely not going to be able to maintain. If you don?t like specific vegetables do not incorporate them into your diet because they are healthy. You will not maintain eating the vegetable despite its nutritional value. Similarly with your children in terms of what they like, do not force a taste on someone simply because it?s healthy.

Consider multivitamins if you believe you are not meeting nutritional requirements. Multivitamins are a useful addition for most people to balance out their nutritional requirements without complex menu adjustments.

Portion size is the key to maintaining healthy weight. Nutrition can be obtained in a variety of ways but increasing portion sizes to eat enough of a specific nutrient can frequently lead to weight gain. Pay attention to the calories you are consuming and if you begin gaining weight because you?re trying to include specific foods and their nutrients in your diet, consider alternatives.

Nutrition guidelines are a useful way of ensuring that we?re keeping our bodies healthy. However, good nutrition requires that we pay sufficient attention to portion size and calories in order to prevent our healthy eating efforts from producing unwanted weight gain.

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