Saturday, June 2, 2012

Have A Cup Of Cappuccino | Emy Kitchen

Have A Cup Of Cappuccino

Article by Erickson Dow

Have A Cup Of Cappuccino ? Food ? Home Brewing

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Have you ever tried a cappuccino? I relished my first sip when I journeyed to the country of Argentina. My colleagues and I travelled there for some fun and relaxation and remained there for three weeks. I like taking trips and seized the chance. I not only like the people, but the country itself. There were days that we slept in the city and at the other times on a farm in the Pampas. Some friends of ours own it. We went out with the gauchos, went horseback riding and gulped down Yerba Mate tea. I actually enjoyed my days at the ranch. I could certainly make out the dissimilarity in how they live every day as compared to ours at home. Yet, since I am more of ?a night person?, it was appropriate for me. It was frequently very late when we dozed off and a scrumptious feast awaited us when we awakened at almost 11 a.m.. My buddies and I would afterwards go for rides on the farm, wandering around and watching at the amazing sights. About 4 in the afternoon, we pulled out a book and read, took a break, or simply went to the others, eating figs freshly picked from the trees that were flourishing around the veranda, then a light meal in anticipation of dinner. All of us usually went to the local restaurant to have our evening meal but not until an hour before 12 midnight because that is the time when patrons begin to come in. We dined on unsullied Argentine beef and it was extremely mouth-watering and together with some vegetables that were freshly taken from the garden. Of course, the best portion of the dinner was dessert. Dessert was made up of fresh fruit, commonly a pear, or a sweet treat with a cup of cappuccino. The group stayed long finishing our dessert up till well into the very early hours of the morning. In Argentina, this is how people have a great time, that is with style. It was my first time to taste a cup of cappuccino and in one of the small restaurants in Argentina. Cappuccino as we are aware is a coffee sourced from Italy mixed with espresso, hot milk and foam. Since then, I am always anticipating to drinking a cup or two.

The origin of the term cappuccino really is has to do with religion, to the period of the priests of the Capuchin order that carries us five hundred years ago. Cappuccino is an Italian word that means hood. This term was used to call the chocolate-colored and lengthy pointed cowls that the friars put on. A Capuchin monk whose name was Marco ?d Aviano was widely believed to have invented cappuccino in the 17th century in spite of the several arguments that surround its origin. It is said to have took place following the war of Vienna, in 1683, even though everybody also viewed this as a legend. Nobody certainly knows the truthful origin of the beverage a lot of individuals drink with pleasure day to day.

An Italian man whose name was Luigi Bezzera invented the first espresso device back in 1901. The espresso machine was powered by steam. On the other hand it was not up till a different Italian named Desiderio Pavoni purchased Bezzera?s patent in 1945, conducting experiments and adjusting the mechanics of preparing espresso that rocketed cappuccino to its current-day recognition. Quicker coffee for the customers and shorter breaks for the workers, that was Bezzera?s purpose for inventing the espresso device. Anyway, espresso implies speedy in Italian. The operation was quicker, but the espresso was a bit bitter. The downside of the espresso device was remedied by Pavoni. The bitterness was taken away as a result yielding espresso that was perfect. In 1927, the first La Pavoni Espresso Machine was put up at Regio?s in New York, and enhancements have been made throughout time and advanced to what we are familiar with at present.

You do not need to go to Argentina, or Italy for a good cup of cappuccino. From 1901 up to the present, cappuccino is still being produced. Amazing! Cappuccino machines can now be bought in the market that you can use at home to make your own cappuccino.

Each time friends and family members gather at home, we always treat them with our very own cappuccino after having dinner. Who could ever forget if you had wonderful company, ate excellent food and had cappuccino for dessert, and most of all, everything happened in Argentina, I would never. And besides, our guests always delight in creating it and the delicious aroma that fills the room ? and it always take me back to that tiny corner table in Argentina and my first sip.

Make your own coffee at home using espresso machines and enjoy in the fresh brewed cup of coffee. At Safe Home Products offers affordable prices.

About the Author

Make your own coffee at home using espresso machines and enjoy in the fresh brewed cup of coffee. At Safe Home Products offers affordable prices.

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Erickson Dow

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